STEM Resources

Virtual Robots and Coding

  • Vex VR – virtual robot programmable using Blocks and Python (free and paid)
    • Computer Science Level 1 VEXcode VR Blocks course  – click here
    • Computer Science Level 1 VEXcode VR Python course – click here


These are websites to access free math manipulatives:

  1. Polypad
  2. Didax
  3. Toy Theater
  4. Math Playground
  5. GeoGebra
  6. Math Transformations 

Science Virtual Labs

These are websites that offer free virtual labs and simulations:

  1. Merlot Virtual Labs – website with collection of free and fee-based virtual labs
  2. PhET – has simulations for Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Earth Science and Math (additional resources are available with a fee)
  3. Virtual Labs – compiled by the Ministry of Education in India
  4. Virtual Labs – specifically focused on safe food
  5. LabXchange – has virtual labs and simulations for Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, and Data Science
  6. The Concord Consortium – free interactive STEM activities
  7. Astro-Simulations – animations and simulations for space science
  8. Virtual Science Teachers – virtual interactive lessons and activities
  9. Biology Simulations – simulations for Biology
  10. The Physics Aviary – physics virtual lab and simulations
  11. Boston University Physics resources – easy to use virtual labs and simulations

These are paid websites that offer virtual labs and simulations:

  1. PraxiLabs – Biology, Chemistry, and Physics for grades 9-12 and college
  2. Labster – Biology, Chemistry, and Physics for grades 9-12 and college
  3. Gizmos – Science topics for grades 3-12
  4. VisibleBody – Biology and Anatomy and Physiology for grades 9-12 and college
  5. EduMedia – simulations for math and science for elementary and secondary students (click here for discounted pricing

Interested in virtual labs and simulations using VR headsets? Here are links to paid resources.

*Don’t have a VR to test it on? Check out the AETech equipment library.

  1. VR Lab Academy 
  2. Open Lab 
  3. MEL VR Science Simulations
  4. Inspirit 


Google Sheet with links for virtual labs and simulations for specific science topics, descriptions of variables, and standards (NGSS).