Online Resources

Resources available at the click of your mouse.

General Online Resources

Teacher’s First — TeachersFirst is a rich collection of lessons, units, and web resources designed to save teachers time by delivering just what they need in a practical, user-friendly, and ad-free format. Busy teachers, parents, and students can find resources using robust search tools. (TDEC Webinar) — Sophia offers free tools for teachers to enhance learning beyond the traditional school day! Create your own multi-media tutorials or choose from a library of over 28,000 lessons.  Create private classrooms with a groups feature and track student progress throughout the year. Sophia offers free professional development  (CEU’s) endorsed by Capella University and created in collaboration with their School of Education faculty. Become Flipped Classroom Certified! (TDEC Webinar)

Teaching Channel — A video showcase hosted on the Internet and TV full of inspiring and effective teaching practices in America’s schools.

iLearn Technology — An edublog about integrating technology into the classroom.

Bibme — A fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It’s the easiest way to build a works cited page – and it’s FREE!  Use the “Citation Guide” to look up the formatting guidelines and rules for all the source types supported for the MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian style guides. Use BibMe not only as a helpful tool but as a hands-on learning resource, as well!

SimpleK12 – Award winning webinars from real teachers and expert educational consultants and a community full of like-minded educators. The webinars are short and to the point – full of practical, actionable advice you can apply to your classroom the very next day. Content is available via Adventist Learning Community for NAD SDA Educators at no cost.

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